Technical Support
Why does my OTTOLOCK band slide out of the lock without pushing the button?
To properly engage the lock, do not press the button and give a little push/pull on the band in both directions. This will ensure the locking pawl is seated and engaged into the band teeth and stop it from sliding freely. Check it like you would a padlock.
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Troubleshooting Your Cinch Lock
My OTTOLOCK is jammed or stuck (or worse case your bike is locked). What can I do?
First off we are sorry this may have happened. There may be several possible causes, and it does not immediately mean your lock is defective.
First thing to check:
Will your lock button not depress and/or lock not open on your combination? Try this neighbor code tip - It is possible the last digit of your code was accidentally reset somehow. Start with the code you think is right and try rolling the last the last number up one digit until you've tried all nine remaining numbers (e.g. if your code is 1-2-3, try 1-2-4, 1-2-5, 1-2-6....1-2-9....1-2-1). This trick commonly works, so please try this before banging or squeezing the lock button.
Second thing to check:
Will your lock button not depress and/or lock not open on your combination? It is possible the lock button is broken. The button has a ‘breakaway’ feature and will activate with high impact or excessive force, like pressing on a table or squeezing with pliers. If the breakaway button has been activated, it will be crooked or tilted like the image below. then the lock is no longer functional. Note: Please do not use a tool or table to press button as it will not be covered by warranty if broken.
How I do I lock and unlock my OTTOLOCK cinch lock?
To Lock:
Undo ladder strap.
Uncoil band.
Set lock tumblers to current combination (factory default is 0-0-0) between the two raised indicators.
Press button until flush before inserting band.
Insert band into opening under tumblers while holding button.
Release button.
Spin tumblers. OTTOLOCK is now locked.
To Unlock:
Set tumblers to current combination (factory default is 0-0-0).
Press button and pull band to unlock.
Coil band around your hand and over lock head and set in place with ladder strap.
How I do set or reset the combination on my OTTOLOCK cinch lock?
You can change the combination from the factory setting to a combo of your choice. This is really handy if you have multiple locks and need to remember them easily. To reset the combination:
Set tumblers to your current combination (factory default is 0-0-0). Note: If you have forgotten your combination, you can not reset the combination. You must start the process on the active correct combination.
Insert a push pin all the way into the small hole on the side of the lock head until it stops. Important: Using a small paperclip or safety pin is not recommend due to lack of strength.
Remove the pin.
Turn the wheels to the desired combination.
Firmly press the button until flush to set new combination.
Watch a video demonstration of how to reset the combination. If you're having trouble, watch the troubleshooting video.
Troubleshooting may be needed if you can’t seem to reset the combo, as you have only partially engaged in combination reset mode.
Step 1: Confirm that the button still pushes in. You may need use some extra force in getting the button to press flush to the lock head (Note: do not press on a table or hard surface). This may free up the locked wheels.
Step 2: If still stuck, try to reset the combination again using a push pin, making sure to push it all the way in until it stops. There should be an audible click, but it is sometimes difficult to hear. Activating the reset and pushing the button flush to the lock head should free up the wheels.
How I do properly coil my OTTOLOCK?
Always coil the band around the lock head in order to avoid permanent damage to the lock band.
How do I get more keys for my SIDEKICK U-Lock? (I’ve bent or lost them)
Unfortunately, our SIDEKICK locks are NOT serialized and we have hundreds of key patterns. No replacements are available at this time. We provide three keys so please keep one extra in a safe place.
Using Your Cinch Lock
IMPORTANT: If the lock is stuck on a bike or gear, and the last digit combo trick did not work or the button is broken, you will have to cut the lock band. Contact us at support@ottodesignworks.com for further assistance.